Curated accommodation for large groups
Add on catering, restaurant bookings and activity options
Personalised getaway itinerary & booking page for each group
Per person pricing and payment. No one foots large bills. Unless they want to...
It's all about making it easy...
Away Valet simplifies planning group trips for friends, families, and communities. We’ll find you the best group accommodation, throw in some catering, dining, and local activities, and generate a personalised booking page just for your crew. You get an enriching getaway, all priced and payable per person ready for everyone to pay their share to join the group. Put simply - request a trip, share it around, fill it by the deadline, and you are away.
Choose a trip or tell us what you want
Share your preferences, to receive a tailored trip for your friends, fitness or other community. Our getaways feature accommodation, catering, local dining, and activities, all packaged and priced per person.
Share it with your friends or community
Hold your getaway to unlock your private booking page and assets to share with your community. Get enough commitment by your booking deadline and your group is away.
Sit back and enjoy
We coordinate all aspects of your trip, finalising bookings, managing all payments and communicating with the group. All you need to do is attend and enjoy.
Are you a provider looking to attract groups?
Get in touch if you offer accommodation, catering or experiences, and would like to attract more groups. We would love to build some product with you to share with our audience.